Denise Ware

Denise Ware photo

Office: 901-351-7702

Cell: 901-351-7702

A former communications major, my writing brought me to Memphis to work as editor of a franchise magazine and director of communications for a huge Memphis-based hotel company.  With deep roots in the city of Memphis, my job provided a large network in which to learn and experience all things Memphis….from University of Memphis & Rhodes College to early days of the St. Jude Golf tournament, to an amazing national tennis tournament right up to the operations of the Memphis Museum system.  The company was Memphis operated and truly supported the surrounding city offerings. What an exciting time!


A family (3 children) interrupted my career path, and I became a busy homemaker, carpool driver, and volunteer…but I still carved out time to write grants for Memphis nonprofits and local health agencies.  These occasional assignments further expanded my network and kept me current with the rapid development in our Downtown and East Memphis areas. Of course, affiliations with Memphis Junior League, Les Passees, and Le Bonheur Club put me in touch with so many leaders in our great city.  


As my youngest child began planning for college, I decided to try a new path by entering the local real estate market.  I had managed some personal real estate and had a bit of knowledge.  I had hoped to sell a few homes a year to help fund my travel and antique habit!  Little did I know how much success was headed my way.  Twenty successful real estate years have passed quickly, and I have loved every minute of my career.  I have sold Uptown, Downtown, and truly all over the city and learned first-hand the importance of my volunteer & business network.  I made the Multi-Million Dollar Sales Club my first year, and 20 years since….becoming a Life Member after only five years.  


Currently, my son owns and operates our real estate firm, Ware Jones.  Just another added dimension of joy I am experiencing in this great industry!


Call me if I may help you purchase or sell your home.  We will have fun reaching your goals!